Monday, October 31, 2022

Trump and Q-Enon Myth vs Arthurian Myth and Excalibur

         Are Trump and Q-Enon myth the Modern America's "Once and Future King:" myth.Excalibur and King Arthur states Arthur mythical King of England will return one day and be king again.Resuming his rightful place as king of Britain. The support for Donald Trump after his Presidency and January 6th coup attempt shocking.  Failed puschs aside perhaps the American people need something. Hope besides sports,sex,and shopping. A myth besides the national one or pre-established ones like Star Wars or religion. Or mine hint hint  available at Amazon.Com.  So maybe Donald Trump a Modern King Arthur. And Q-Enon their Modern tomb of myth like L'MourDeArthur or The Once and Future King. Will Donald Trump return from his Avalon of Mar-Ic-Lago fableed isle of yore in Flordida to return to the presidency. Or be a washed up dictator like Hitler. Time will say hmmm.