Saturday, October 24, 2020

Just Saw Pennyworth Again

     Just saw Pennyworth again loved it. The 2019 Epix 1st season of Pennyworth a Batman prequal was cool.  Like the 1st time on Epix I loved it. I watched a marathon of it all weekend. All on a 3 DVD boxed set. It rocked !!! I ate popcorn I ate junkfood it was so cool. Alfred Pennyworth was so cool going after villians as a secret agent, security agent, and assain. Foiling royal assains,saving the U.K., the Queen (young Elisabeth sorta person) and meeting Batman's parents two rich CIA agants. The main plot revolved around an Alternate 50s England sorta like ours but very Batman. The Shadows were mentened so it's late 50s and perhaps some Churchill friend as PM. Political struggle between far left and far right extremists so is it 30s Germany or just a attempt at Alan Moore write. So I love how the Raven Society lost and Lord Howard lost. Way to go Alfred.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Democratic Socialist Me

     Today in this age of Republican Trumps and Corperate Dukes from Delaware one can be discouraged from caring about politics. Why care about American politcs it's either facism or the system. However Democratic Socialism is a good alternative to the Bidens of the world. Although Bernie is not the canidate joining the Democratic Socialists can be a personal choice.A personal choice to say no to oppression and racism. Democratic Socialism. can't do it alone. It takes personal choice and what the indvidual wantts. A free America or one with four more years of Trump.