Friday, June 24, 2022

The Impact of the End of Roe vs Wade

             The end of Roe vs Wade is a great surprise and a startling and surprising precedent.  Women have lost their national right to abortion. And women's rights have gone down.  An important civil right for women from the Bill of Rights is gone.  Another turmulterous moment of the Troubled Twenties after the Idealistic Teens united us all in bliss and celebration.  Women do not have2 the right according to the corrupt and conservative Far-Right Supreme Court. Especially greats like John Roberts and Judge Alito were responsiblefor this travesty. What next reinstate Trump. Why not changing the flag. How dare the Court it must not  like women. They shqould respect the ladies right to chose. For if they don't have one they might chose to ignore the issue.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Why America Didn't Become A Dictatorship on January 6th

         The reason why America didn't become a dictatorship on January 6th is beacause although Trump's Magaist Army of thugs penetrated the Capital and sacked Congress they couldn't permantly remain because the DC Cops and Army Reserves were on Congress side. And also on the Vice President some Magaists wanted "strung up." Pence and Pelosi were uneasy allies that day. Since ancient days if you don't have the army on your side no coup will work. Trump was less Napoleon against the Directory but more the Royalists against Bonaparte on the 15th of Toulaine. Napoleon like the U.S. Army  Reserves that day defended his republic.So did our troops. Against a President allready in the Winter Palace so if your in why be a Bolshevik. He Counter-Revolutionaried his own case.  No talk shows or Twitters for him.