Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Israeli Goverment

         The new Israeli goverment sworn in recently sees the return. of Bibi,Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his eieath primership. As well as a number of right-wingers.  Especially Bezazial Smotretch and former Kahnist Idgmir Ben-Gvir. both very far-right wing figures.  Ben-Gvir is one of the most powerful men in the goverment gets two ministir posts,becomes Israel's chief cop,and to be civilian authority figure in Judea-Samaria Area C of the   Israeli West Bank. Smoltretch gets to be Deputy Premier and a ministry. Some laws they seek to pass are alterations  to Israel's law of return limiting Jews from America  in Aliyah.  Because many American Aliyah are Reform or Conservative Jews Ben-Gvir and Smoltretch seek any Aliyah to undergo an Orthodox conversion first. And to expell Israel's 2 million Arabs both Israeli Palestinians and Palestinians in the West Bank.  Druze and Christians are equally as bad.Although Religous Zionism,Ben Gvir's 14 seats and is the second biggest in the goverment lets hope Netenyahu gets rid of him. Besides some religo-facists like Ben-Gvir there are many women. in the goverment.Like former Army Spokesmen Miri Regev under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Hopefully Bibi sticks to doing positive for Israel. And doesn't listen to Ben-Gvir. And Israel can avoid the critisism of it's American Ally,the American Jewish Diaspora,and European Union.As well as new Arab allies.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Critisism of Zelenskey

         I think so far Vlademir Zelenskey, an admirare of American President Lincolin, is not a perfect guy.  Maybe he defends his country and that is admirable but it is not admirable to say emergency condinations and stay without election until the war is over.  President Lincolin his hero and Obama's too defeated George McClellan his old chief general and  Republican canidate for the President in 1863.  Hey if your a democratic country not an oligarchic. country you run for re-election.  Maybe something to. think about my fellow Jew and good luck against the Greeks this Hannukkah.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Maccabee Lady vs Sabra

         Maccabee Lady is a dynamic female jewish superhero who has lept of my drawing. page since 2003.  These days it is challenged after three issues and one graphic novel at JLG Comics.  And since 2013 three compilations at Outskirts Press.   Initially in my early ashcans and zero issue I called it Sabra but at the suggestion of a local friend comic book shop owner Sal Fichera I changed Sabra something else  to Maccabee Lady and redrew the book,improved the costume,and after working on it  it went from Sabra to Maccabee Lady. Maccabee Lady was my idea. Like a Maccabee or Judah of Maccabee. Guess no thorny cactus because of a legal reason and why the Hulk sucks.Old Hulk backups suck alot I think the term is token something. Maccabee Lady beat all the earlier versions of the charachter I drew and had something to it.  She was a nurse who turned into superhero.And Maccabee Lady sold at jLG Comics and even more at Outskirts Press.  And more Jewish than Ruth Bar-Seraph.



A Short History of Maccabee Lady Part 1

         For almost twenty some years since the first Maccabee Lady comic debuted in South Jersey in 2003 people have been reading her comic.  Maccabee Lady the Shoftim of Earth,Defender of Israel, Woman of Might.When  IDF.nurse Sophia Kellman is plauged by strange dreams she travels. to the desert to Mt.Matza.   There she is told by G-d she has been chosen to be Maccabee Lady and is hit by a bolt of lightning. Then she transforms into Maccabee Lady.The first comic I published in 2003 introduced her.The second comic introduced a major supporting charachter named Dreadnought.  Dreadnought a Superman-Archtype.was an alien knight from Planet Zayin fleeing a  dictator.Dreadnought or Prince Kal-Alef of Zayin  Saga.  Her first major villian was a South American mutant named Mkab who wanted to turn Mexico into his own Aztec Empire.  She defeated him with her special move the Hashem Wave  an energy move.  In Maccabee Lady # 3   it tachles the  Second Lebanon. War and  two year Gaza War and  the villian was Hassan Nassrallah and Hezbollah.  Maccabee Lady beats up Nassrallah and kicks Hezbollah''s ass to save hostages Gilad Shalit and Corporal Goldwassar.  The last of the early Maccabee Lady comics was a fifty page graphic novel I did in 2010 as a compilation of all my comic book material of my locally distributed comics.  I took a break for a year and did other stuff.  Published a sci-fi novel at a first book company, protested,and went to Israel on vacation. I also worked on my degree. Then my father a prominent physckologist handed me an oppurtunity.Instead of putting it down and finishing my degree he said finish your degree here's a book company.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

How We Think

             Are Americans getting too sychofante.  Trump's years saw Republicans and some Americans embrace populism and the right.  Far-Right culture and. paranoia beliefs like Q-Enon increased.  More Americans embraced facism. This new populism replaced older populism and White Nationism centered around the Old South and Klan type material.  The apolitical types also who may be cultured also tend to embrace this new Magaism and Q-Enon as a way of enriching themselved.  Like Kanye West who thinks it is about embrasing Hitler and Maga  culture or an interesting enlightment for himself.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Rise of Black Anti-Semetism in America

         Kanye  West and Kylie Irving both young Black Far-Right Wingers both leading figures in the African American community recently got in trouble for Anti-Semetic language and statements.  West made the statement he would go "Defcon-3" on the Jews and admitted to  admiring Hitler.Even worse was his drawing inspiration from Mein Kampf.  He is friends with Donald Trump and also hangs out with Nick Fuentas. Within hours of making statements about Jews many companies selling his products  dropped him. Basketball player Kylie Irving shared on his website an Anti-Semetic documentary.  Irving was severly slammed by the NBA and the Brooklyn Nets he played for for the statement. Although Irving states he is remoseful and has learned West seems to become even more of a maniac.  Kanye has ambitions of a 2024 run and has asked Former President Trump to be his running mate. Trump remarks of Kanye,"a Very Sick Black Man."

Monday, October 31, 2022

Trump and Q-Enon Myth vs Arthurian Myth and Excalibur

         Are Trump and Q-Enon myth the Modern America's "Once and Future King:" myth.Excalibur and King Arthur states Arthur mythical King of England will return one day and be king again.Resuming his rightful place as king of Britain. The support for Donald Trump after his Presidency and January 6th coup attempt shocking.  Failed puschs aside perhaps the American people need something. Hope besides sports,sex,and shopping. A myth besides the national one or pre-established ones like Star Wars or religion. Or mine hint hint  available at Amazon.Com.  So maybe Donald Trump a Modern King Arthur. And Q-Enon their Modern tomb of myth like L'MourDeArthur or The Once and Future King. Will Donald Trump return from his Avalon of Mar-Ic-Lago fableed isle of yore in Flordida to return to the presidency. Or be a washed up dictator like Hitler. Time will say hmmm.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Top Five Jewish Superheros

 1. Maccabee Lady-Maccabee Lady is Sophia Kellman a. IDF nurse who gets superheros who after several mystical dreams is. given superpowers by a mystical voice (G-d) hmmm to be shoftim (judge) of the planet Earth and superhero of the State of Israel.  Maccabee Lady has superstrenghth, heatvision, invulnrebility,and bends steel. Can chanel energy and shoot energy. Martial arts and can fly. Has fought villians like Jihad, Michael Herod,and Villians Inc. Friends Nails, Dreadnought, Captain Liberty, and the Mini-Man.

Creater:Josh Goldstein Publishers JLG Comics/Outskirts Press

2.  Masada- Israeli member of Team Youngblood the Youngblood away team or member of Rob Liefeld's Younblood team who did overseas missions.  Powers growing powers and height manipulation.Superstrenght and martial arts.

Creator:Rob Liefeld   Publisher Image Comics

3. Shaloman-Man of Stone. Superhero Golem defender of Israel. Superstrenth and invulnribbility. Can fly.

Creator: Al Wiesner  Publisher:Mark I Comics

4.Magen -Captain ?America Archtype albeit Israel. Superstrenght and invulnribilty. 

Creator: Josh Stulman  Publisher:Israel Defence Comics

5. Samson-Ancient Hero. Superstrenght and hero. Project Superheros charachter at Dynamite. 1940s classic hero.

Creator-Historical Legend Publisher:Dynamite Entertainment

Friday, August 26, 2022

On the Current War Summary ( So Far)

             The current war in the Ukraine beetween the Ukraine and Russia has been going on since Febuary 22nd of this year. The 180 years or so of this Second Ukrainean War is a war of agression between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine.  The reason the oldest. Territorial ambition and greed over resources. Although Putin states NATO and U.S. agression and fears EU ambitions perhaps he really is fighting a war to engrandize his career as leader of Russia. A final war of Novorussia to restore the glory of the old Russian Empire.  Illyin's apt pupil Vladmir Putin is listening to current advisors Alexander Ruskin. and Propoganda Minister Sukharov on how the war would be great for Russia. On the war would make him Peter the Great. Desiring to be Peter the Great he is fighting to conquer the Donbas and complete Dunbask Lukhanks Region from the Ukraine. As well as addition portions of the Black Sea Coast of the Ukraine's coast to connect the Donbas to Crimea.  

                When the war broke out in Febuary Zelensky knew he was coming. The war the Russians thought would. take a matter of days or weeks has been over 100 days. Although invaded from the North and East Zelensky defended Northern and Central Ukraine confining the war to easternmost provinces and coast. Those fell under sway of Russian Occupation as Kiev was successfully defended. And the port of Odessa stayed open. Zelensky's army and his resistance fighters fought a Spartan defence against the Russians. Like Maccabee of old Zelenskey resisted the might of Russia. He has blossemed into a great statesmen and leader. While Putin has become hated and Russia gripped by economic whoes.  Zelenskey's. army shoot down Russian planes with American planes. Highlights of the war so far are Sinking of Russian Flagship the Moskva a Battle Cruiser and failure of the Russian army as a force.Losing more than Ukrainean forces Putin is freeing men from the jails to replenesh forces.  The West embraces the Ukraine and as Finland and other states join NATO the Ukraine go a step further and begin to join the EU. Which would mean EU protection. And the end of the Ukraine as a buffer between Russia and the West. The Ukraine is becoming stronger and is joining the world.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Trump and Al-Sadr

         Trump  and Maqtudda Al-Sadr of Iraq are very similar.They both are political bosses and command armies of followers who obey their whims.  And they both are willing to use violence to gain power. Al-Sadr is just a politcal force the cleric desires no office just power. He desirers instead to control leaders and political parties. Whoever gains power must please him or face the contrary. Recently in Iraq like on January 6th Al-Sadr's goons stormed the Iraqi Parliment and occupied it. Goverment there is still having trouble and for days no Parliment session has been held because of the ongoing riots.An Al-Sadr riot though is common in Post-Saddam Iraq. It is still bad and threatens Iraq's future as a democracy. Iraq however probably will survive after Al-Sadr.Trump like Al-Sadr commands millions of followers. His Maga hordes belive he should be restored to the Presidency and the Qnon Conspiracy is real. Trump is their savior and they must have him in power. They beleved that enough to storm the Capitol for him and call on Pelosi and Pence's death as well as sack Congress. Lunatics these fringe Republicans are many of them today in jail or on the way to jail for him. Trump recently had his mansion Mar-I-lago raided by the FBI looking for evidence in January 6th Investigation. Trump called on more violence and for retribution. Who is the cleric Trump or Al-Sadr.Who knows maybe G-d does.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Illyin's Apt Pupil

         As strongman of Russia, President Vladamir Piutin has been influential on the world stage for twenty years. Former KGB Captain and station chief for East Germany life and rise to the top was shaped by the Former  Soviet Union. he served.   A lawyer and intellectual too he was admirer of Soviet system and also deeply admired Russia's Imperial Past.  Putin admired the Russia or Romanov Imperial Days and since taking power in 1999 dreamed of reenergizing the Russia he took over from Yeltsen and making it a superpower again. He rebuilt the Russian fleet and rearmed. And Russia rejoined the family of nations achieving an astounding level of acceptibility for the first time since 1945. However his chief influence was Ivan Illyin. Illyin was in Russian political science the Anti-Lenin. Illyin'slife parelled Lenin also was exiled to Germany and dreamed of taking over.He mainly argued nationalism and facism vs the peace,land,and bread of the Bolshivik argument. He was a counter-revolutionary and wrote political dogma and manifesto's for the Whites during the Russian Revolution. Although the Bolsheviks won and Illyin's Whites were beaten his argument survived. Some Reds even agreed even Illyin was right especially in the tTroublesom  1920s were the Soviet union suffered growing pains and a leadership crisis after Lenin.  Illyin died hated and in exhile and his writings were stored far in exhile in the University of Michican.  Putin needing inspiration in 1994 asked for them. Putin and United Russia today are not just a rehash of the Soviet Union or Russia's Imperial Past but a possible facist state. The war in the Ukraine is perhaps typical of Putin's facist wars. Perhaps we shall see in the future what Illyin's adpt pupil does.

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Impact of the End of Roe vs Wade

             The end of Roe vs Wade is a great surprise and a startling and surprising precedent.  Women have lost their national right to abortion. And women's rights have gone down.  An important civil right for women from the Bill of Rights is gone.  Another turmulterous moment of the Troubled Twenties after the Idealistic Teens united us all in bliss and celebration.  Women do not have2 the right according to the corrupt and conservative Far-Right Supreme Court. Especially greats like John Roberts and Judge Alito were responsiblefor this travesty. What next reinstate Trump. Why not changing the flag. How dare the Court it must not  like women. They shqould respect the ladies right to chose. For if they don't have one they might chose to ignore the issue.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Why America Didn't Become A Dictatorship on January 6th

         The reason why America didn't become a dictatorship on January 6th is beacause although Trump's Magaist Army of thugs penetrated the Capital and sacked Congress they couldn't permantly remain because the DC Cops and Army Reserves were on Congress side. And also on the Vice President some Magaists wanted "strung up." Pence and Pelosi were uneasy allies that day. Since ancient days if you don't have the army on your side no coup will work. Trump was less Napoleon against the Directory but more the Royalists against Bonaparte on the 15th of Toulaine. Napoleon like the U.S. Army  Reserves that day defended his republic.So did our troops. Against a President allready in the Winter Palace so if your in why be a Bolshevik. He Counter-Revolutionaried his own case.  No talk shows or Twitters for him. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Dictorship America

         Could America become a dictatorship.Imagine not now but in a few years a Far-Right Dictator rising to power in America.  It could happen even in a Democrat America with a majority Democrat Congress and a Democrat President.   Although  Trump is out of office now he could return in 2024 although there are other canidates possibly.   Alex Jones would be a insane man as a canidate and Doug Mastriano would be a nightmare.  If either was elected one might picture Trump as more fair.  With Republican control of the media stations as I discussed in previous blogs this unfair domestic perspective could happen.  

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Rumble In Pennsylvania

         This governoral election will be a battle for Pennsyvania's soul.  Doug Mastriano a rebellious dog who was with Donald Trump on January 6th and was one. of the marchers who opposed our country that day is perilously close to being Governor of Pennsylvania.  His opponent is Josh Shapiro an attorney who has had some political work before.  Shapiro the Democrat is the hope of a Pennsyvania with Maga and tyranny.  Doug Mastriano should be in jail with Qanon Shaman instead he was nominated Republican nominee-for--governor.  How far the Party of Lincolin has strayed.  Hopefully the party of Jefferson will slay the Maga demon on election day. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

On The Current Crisis Part 3

         Currently the Second Ukrainean War of 2022 is in its over 90th day.  Russia controls a large amount of Eastern Ukraine but have largely been driven out of the North.  Although Maripol has fallen into their hands they have lost the key city of Kharikov which is back in Ukrainean hands.  Failed offensives and the failure to take Kiev as well achieve other objectives see this war join the Afghanistan War join the list of unpopular wars with the Russian people. Two Russian mainstreams news sources now critisize Putin.  Some oligarchs even critsize him.Their are even rumors about his health. Although the May 9th Victory Day in Moscow celebrated the Heroes of both the Great Patriotic War and the current one the May 9th celebrated in the Ukraine resistance from tyranny. Perhaps May 9th is a matter of perspective to both Russian and Ukrainean. If you speak to some Russians as interviewed by the website 1420 they do not like the war. The war is "dumb" and Ukraineans their brothers who they love. Ukraineans are definate friends and their leader they obey is very crazy to invade it. So perhaps peace soon Putin.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Dystopia and a Declining American Democracy

         We have a Democratic President and Democrat Majority Congress and yet I am surprised the Republican Party is so Maga Pesky.  They seem to be pesky losers just and suddenly they call for more calls to examine the 2020 Election in the State of Georgia. Also then Roe vs Wade so threatned and Black Civil Rights. As well as overwealming and growing control over the Media on Right Wing stations like Fox News,OAN,and MSNBC which is swinging more to the right. Lawerance O'Donell and ye old Democrat Chanel nights on MNSNBC weekdays are so weak and due to the way the chanel is a Mika and Joe station so controled. Kinda a Democrat vassaldome very censored. Every now and then Fox Control and Rachel or the other long punishment working as secret man for a few weeks. Tucker Carlson growing as Democrat stalker going after Democrat Left leaning authors and celebraties.Perhaps I hate too in America today Democrats are losing their voice. It's annoying the other voice is not true Democrat it plays with Mika and Joe so not all Peachocks are nice. Mehdi Hussain reminds me of Ross atkins if he was not that nice. And why isn't Katie Phuang a friendly girl. So a certain way maybe closet Republican that girl.Hard to replace some people maybe they should listen to some people.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Loving Life and Living Most of It

             Some times we in life achieve the highest of highs and realize we love our lives.  We have the life, yeah my life is comftorble one of power and comfort doing fun things.   I do big guy stuff and do big guy things like banquit and drinking Coronas and eating t-bone steaks.  I also meet new legends and have my picture taken with new legends and pop divas.  Broadways stars sing for me I smooze with sexy female lawyers in their gowns and investers who I talk sports and stuff with.  Any possibility of my life being awful  dosn't happen.  Except when other people's problems start  spoiling my life I have a problem.I hope some people get their act together from some friends departed.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

My Russian or Ukrainean Family History

         Until recently I had belived the Jewish half of my family was decended from Russian Jews and although I still largely belive this the recent War in Ukraine has led me to question some things.  For although some things I did know. Modern Ukraine did not exist until 1915 when the term "Ukrainean Provinces" appears for places for Trotsnyks in Southern Ukraine where  some  of my ancestors are from in Southern Ukraine.  The Ukraine Provinces were united as a region and govermentally when when the Bolshyveks seized power in 1917 Ukrainean allies were recognized simultanisly by Lenin &Trotsky. In 1921 the nacent Soviet Government created for the Ukraine the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic or Ukraine S.S.R. and creating the Ukraine. 

    The Ukraine also was however for the old Russian Empire of the Czars a frontier area during the 16th and. 17th centuries between rival empires and states like Sweden and Poland-Lithuania.Other frontier regions were Galicia which was shared by Austria-Hungry,Prussia,and Russia.And. the Ukraine itself created by the Northern War which Sweden and Russia fought to determin who ruled Poland-Lithuania. It led to the the first partitions of Poland and creation of terms "Left Bank Ukraine" and "Right Bank Ukraine" after Fredrick Augustus was thwarted. The Ukraine was from the start a frontier region like today. Jews,Orthadox,Catholic,and Muslim of various sort mingled and intermingled although it was the old country. So because it was frontier the Jews lived there. 

    The Pale of Settlement was a term for the settlement area for Jews in Czarist Russia until 1915. For although Jews could be wealthy and serve in the army like my ancestors they could not live in Moscow or St.Petersberg. They might succed to much and overthrow our Czarist system after all.It included the Ukraine,Poland,Belerus and Bessarabia(Moldavia&Transnitia) but not Muscovy. My Ukrainean ancestors from Odessia might have thought Putin would be a typical Czar. Zelensky would be like for them as Jews a hero a Jewish Czar fighting for them supported by even the Christians. Hey the times of not Zelensky but a certain king might be upon us. Now let the Czars and his ministers be judged.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Ukraine and Russia:A Shared History and Bond

         Although currently embroiled in a brutal war the Ukraineans and their neighboors the Russians both share largely a common history and are largely decended from the common ancestors groups.  The first Russians or Sythians were a nomadic horseback bound people who roamed Russia and the Ukrainean region during Roman and Greek days. The Sythians may have inspired some of the myths of the Amazons due to the fact some of their women rode horses and were warriors. In Greek days Mithradates VI of Pontus threatened the Roman Empire. His Kingdom of Pontus  was a Black Sea Empire  which included the Ukraine. Rome defeated the Poison King but. his legend persists. tLater in the Late Roman Empire early Slavs came to the region.  Then during the 6th-8th centuries the First Ukrainean State  the Kazar Empire arose. With their empire centered at Illit in Eastern Ukraine the Kazar Empire was impressed. It impressed merchants in Spain who wrote of them. The word Kazar is stilll an slang for giant in Modern Russian and Eastern European languages.  Although a Turkic and possibly Tartar people and originally polytheist the Kazars converted to Judaism in the Mid-6th century. Three rabbis traveled to Illit in Kazar lands from Israel.  The king after debating with them settled Judaism was best for himself and his kingdom and converted. He had previously rejected Christians of various forms and Moslems and the conversion of this king,King Bulan. surprised most regional powers. Illit, Bulan's capital was described as "the fabled Sambatyon capital, of a faboulous kingdom a fortress city on a river in a faboulous kingdom of Bulun."In the 8th century Varinian Rus needing a Third Rome after serving the emperors of Byzantium too long founded the city-state of Kiev. Early Kiev would become a regional player the Russian State and the Kievan Rus would grow from Kiev to establish other city-states like Novgorod or Vladmir all ruled by a Grand Prince or Grand Ducal ruler. This period ended with the Mongol Conquest of the 13th Century. Around that time on the outskirts of Rus territory Moscow was founded. This would be the most important city for Russia and the Ukraine combined until 1991.  Although both opponents both nationns share a common history and beginning. Itt is up to both to face that.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

On The Current War Part 2

                 Since the war has started although Donbass &Lukhost are threatened and Chernobyl and Khorsan   have fallen  the Russian Army is encountering much oppessision in the Ukraine.  Kiev and Odessa yet resist and so does President. Zelensky.  The ex-television star and comidene bravly leads his people against Putin's onslought.  Although their fleet lies sccuttled and yet another nucliar site is under Russian control the Ukrainean army and civilian reserves have halted progress in taking Kiev.  Russia is paying for the war.  Russian oligarchs are having their luxery laughts seized in foreighn ports. Chelsea FC, a famous English  football team,was sold by its owner Roman Abramovitch, Biden in fact said in his State of the Union Speech that Russian Oligarchs would be targeted and the American strategt was to hurt Russia's economy.  Punish him finaccially if he means to make war. Also most American companies like Apple Computers and American Gas&Oil Companies  have ceased business in Russia and dropped the Russian market.  Also all sports competitions for the year for Russian athletes have been postponed.I think the solution is not alienating Russia or building walls instead of bridges but to negotiate aa truce for the war were the current war in the Ukraine ends.  And Russia withdraws and the Ukraine dosn't lose any territory.  In exchange the world and America would let Russia back in and nor economically cut off Russia and alienate it. Also the Ukraine should also join NATO and. have EU preliminaries. That would be an ideal end to the current conflict. And the Second Ukrainean War of 2022.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

On the Current War

             The Crisis in the Ukraine has been continueing since  Febuary 2022 since the Russians started their bravado and threats toward the Ukraine.And since the 24th of February a short war of almost a week has been going on the Ukraine. What drives Putin to such extremes. Is Putin just a bloody tyrant or is it resources. Perhaps it is more than that.  The Ukraine indepedant since 1990 and a nexus of shared history for all Ethnic Russians and Shared Slavs has been desired by Vladmir Putin. Putin an admirer of Russian history wishes has dreams of restored imperium for a new Russian Empire perhaps bringing back some Cold War glory. Putin desires at least to annex the Eastern Province of Donestk&Lukhans or the Donbass region.  And possibly replace the leader and goverment of Ukraine.  

            Since February 23rd the Second Ukrainean Conflict or Ruso-Ukrainean War of 2022 has been going on.   Russian forces has been invading from Russia and all around the Ukraine.The Ukraine before the war from Mid-Febraury was surrounded by various branches of the Russian military on all sounds. With Russian ships in the Crimean Sea,Baltic Sea,and Sea of Lubhanks the Russian Navy blockaded Ukraine. And from Rebel-Held territory in Dunbask&Lubkhans provinces of Eastern Ukraine the Russian Army poured into Ukraine. As well as from Crimea and Russian Ally Belerus. Russian forces so far have taken Chernobyl and although are in the suburbs of Kiev the Ukraine continues to resist. Ukrainean forces  Donbask continue to resist.  Valiently the Ukraineans have downed more Russian jets and helicopters and killed more Russian soldiers than Ukraineans who have died.And the Brave Maccabee of the Ukrainean People,President Zelensky continues to resist from Kiev.  Zelesnksy a Jewish Comedian is admirable as great heros of the past.Like Judah the Maccabee and Charles De Guelle he leads his people against the foreighn oppressor. Perhaps whatever the Russians want for Ukraine they won't accomplish.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Current Crisis

     The current crisis in Ukraine is most troubling. As Putin dreams of a rejuvinized Russia the West and NATO are at crisis as U.S. global ally and partner Russia is dancing away from earlier Mid 90s reforms under Yeltsen and how America and Russia almost became allies.  For even under Putin earlier in his Precidancy Russia was leaning Pro-West and dreaming of economic empire and of partial resurgance. Russia was a member of G8 and global economic and policy alliances with U.S. and had partnerships with U.S. with other things. There were no sanctions and Putin as a world leader was even liked. However Putin silently dreamed of a greater Russia like in ages past. Like in the days of Communist Leaders or ages before under the Czars.  Perhaps even the recovery of lands recently independant that are essential to Russian identiry like Ukraine and Georgia.  Vladimir Putin actually did prosecute a war against Georgia before the the earlier Ukrainian Crisis and set up two sattelite states Askasia and South Ossettia annexing some land from Georgia. The next conflict was following the Ukrainian Revolution of  2015 were after the free elections democratically electing choclate exec Petro Povelchenko. Putin dreamed of a "Nova Russia" or conquest of Eastern Ukraine sorta a Greater Russia of sorts.The 2015 was indecisive as the Ukrainians defended their land and dug in. However in the peace deal  Crimea was agreed by all sides and NATO as  Russian territory  but Donbass was disputed land. Although like in the past as they had in Georgia some the Russians set up a Sattelite State the very disputed Donbass People's Republic. The Ukraine want to protect their flegling democracy. Now under President Vladimir Zelensky a former comidian and minority a Jew in the Ukraine dreams of a better life are possible. Vladimir Putin dreams now in 2022 of a greater Russia again and Ukraine's steps towards the West and possible NATO or EU membership  makes him feel angry and threatened. As the Ukraine and Russia wind towards war and NATO and U.S. send men and supplies the world waits. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Anniversary of Jan.6th

             Tommorow with the anniversary of January 6th I find myself with thinking of were our Democracy is.  Trump is not President and there is a Democrat-majority Congress and Democrat in the White House. Yet Jan.6th was a tragedy as Democracy was weakened. Magadom showed itself as a threatning force against American democracy. An Army of Republican sheep almost succefully sacked the Capital. American democracy held in the balence. Trump himself had called the hordes to sack the Capital. It was an attempt by Trump to hold onto power as Biden had Democratically won the election. This stems back to the election when Biden won and Trump didn't bow out or congraduate him. And had instead cried election fraud. There was of course no fraud. 

    The threat to the capital was more than in the Civil War.When no Confederate Army made it beyond Southern Maryland or even threatened the D.C. area. Figures of American facism like QNONN Shaman and other dunderheads violated Congress. Afterwards Trump the overseer of the affair smiling during the affair disavowed himself and distanced himself from the hordes of infidel.He left the White House his legacy in tatters. A second Nixion. As this anniversary breaks there will be debates and speaches on both sides were are we headed. I think American democracy is  challenged and we should be on guard. The storming of the capital echoed other moments in history. Democracy will survive and heal. Trump will never be President again as long as responsible defenders remain. Even those who don't belive in Maga dogma.